第一次在博客里,摘抄一篇文章,叫做:人生不能缺少 8 类朋友。非常喜欢,分享给你。
原文链接:The Eight Kinds of Friends You Need to Have
另一位作家 汤姆·拉思 则认为,以下8种朋友是必不可少的。
Tom Rath’s book Vital Friends: The People You Can’t Afford to Live Without.
“Builders are great motivators, always pushing you toward the finish line. They continually invest in your development and genuinely want you to succeed — even if it means they have to go out on a limb for you”
“Champions stand up for you and what you believe in. They are the friends who sing your praises. Every day, this makes a difference in your life. Not only do they praise you in your presence, but a Champion also ‘has your back’ — and will stand up for you when you’re not around”
“A collaborator is a friend with similar interests — the basis for many great friendships. … When you talk with a collaborator, you’re on familiar ground … you often find that you have similar ambitions in work and life”
“A connector is a bridge builder. …. Connectors get to know you — and then introduce you to others”. Connectors are always inviting you to lunch and other gatherings where you can meet new people, and point you in the right direction when you need something.
认识你之后,很快把你介绍给志同道合者认识。 这类朋友是“帮助型”的朋友。在你得意的时候,他们的身影可能并不多见;在你失意的时候,他们却会及时地出现在你面前。他们始终愿意给予你最现实的支持,让你看到希望和机会,帮助你不断地得到积极的心理暗示。
“Energizers are your ‘fun friends’ who always give you a boost. You have more positive moments when you are with these friends. Energizers are quick to pick you up when you’re down — and can make a good day great”
好玩、能让你放松的朋友。 有些朋友,当我们有了心事,有了苦恼时,第一个想要倾诉的对象就是他们。这样的朋友会是很好的倾听者,让你放松,在他们面前,你没有任何心理压力,总能让你发泄出自己的“郁闷”,让你重获平衡的心态。
‘Mind Openers are the friends who expand your horizons and encourage you to embrace new ideas, opportunities, cultures, and people. They challenge you to think in innovative ways and help you create positive change. Mind Openers know how to ask good questions, and this makes you more receptive to ideas”
能让你接触新观点、新机会。 这类朋友对于人生也是必不可少。他们可谓是你的“大百科全书”。这类朋友的知识广、视野宽、人际脉络多,会帮助你获得许多不同的心理感受,使你成为站得高、看得远的人。
“Navigators are the friends who give you advice and keep you headed in the right direction. You go to them when you need guidance, and they talk through the pros and cons with you until you find an answer. In a difficult situation, you need a Navigator by your side. They help you see a positive future while keeping things grounded in reality”
善于帮你理清思路,需要指导和建议时去找他们。 这类朋友是“指路灯”。每个人都有困难和需要,一旦靠自己力量难以化解时,这类朋友总能最及时、最认真地考虑你的问题,给你最适当的建议。在你面对选择而焦虑、困惑时,不妨找他们聊一聊,或许能帮助你更好的理顺情绪,了解自己,明确方向。
“A companion is always there for you, whatever the circumstance. You share a bond that is virtually unbreakable. When something big happens in your life, this is one of the first people you call”
有了消息,不论是好是坏,总是第一个告诉他们。他们一直和你在一起。 这种朋友的心胸像大海、高山一样宽广,不管何时找他们,他们都会热情相待,并且始终如一地支持你。他们是能让你感到满足和平静的朋友,有时并不需要他们太多的语言,只是默默地陪着你,就能抚平你的心情。